Nurturing Leadership in STEM Professionals

Science World
Science World (Photo credit: danieldoan)

The education and training required for most STEM professionals can be quite high.  And many STEM professionals work in academic or research institutions which have quite different cultures and environments than corporate organizations. So it would go to reason that the leadership challenges that many STEM professionals face are different than managers in the corporate world.  There’s a good article over on Federal News Radio about things to consider when nurturing leadership in STEM professionals:

Trying to hire a truly world class physicist who may be one of a handful of people on the planet who can do what s/he does is hard enough. Providing leadership to such a scientist and helping him/her become a more effective leader is even harder. NRL found it was a challenge just to find staff who were interested in taking on leadership roles. Many of their key researchers were so focused on doing good science that being a manager was the last thing they wanted to do. Supporting STEM leaders: 5 things we need to do by Jeff Neal

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